Tarrant County Lic# 225 | Johnson County Lic# 90988 | Wise County Lic # 119 | Parrker County Lic # 0114CS14
Use the buttons below to find the address of the jail where your loved one is being held. Some jail websites also offer an inmate search feature.
Fort Worth, TX
5900 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, Texas 76117
(817) 834-6285
Cleburne, TX
803 N Main St.
Cleburne, TX 76033
(817) 556-2770
Weatherford, TX
801 Fort Worth Highway
Weatherford, TX 76086
(817) 598-0700
Decatur, TX
(940) 627-3337
Email: cowtownbailbonds@gmail.com
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